Egg Safety
Evaluating Egg Health
Collect eggs daily and check for any abnormalities
Any cracked/broken eggs should not be eaten
Do not eat excessively dirty eggs or ones contaminated with feces
Monitor for signs of illness such as:
Leathery shell appearance/ Wrinkled Eggs (sign of Infectious Bronchitis (IB))
Soft/Misshapen egg (sign of Avian Influenza or New Castle Disease)
Shell-less eggs (High Path Avian Influenza- Contact the State Veterinarian!)
Gently wash collected eggs to remove dirt
Storing Eggs
Storing eggs in the refrigerator (below 40° F) can last for about 6 weeks
Preparing Eggs
Cook eggs until yolks are firm
Cook foods containing raw eggs to at least 165° F
Do not cross contaminate between bowls/utensils that contacted raw egg and used for cooked food​